Next trip to Perú June 2013
We are looking forward to seeing you!!


News from Perú!

Can you believe we've been here for almost two weeks already? We spend 13 days in Lima and met with Kidsalive for our missionary orientation, visited the children's home in Pachacamac and the day center in Manchay, we met other missionaries couples, and visited many friends. It's been a full first couple of weeks here!

A lot of wonderful things have happened, but one thing that really drained and overwhelmed us was shopping for appliances and furniture (beds, mattress, etc). We not only dealt with tring to decide which would be the best, it was also time consuming and travelling from place to place in a big city of 14 million people was exhausting. But finally Saturday we shipped most of our appliances and furniture to Andahuaylas. We are so relieved!

Now on to the good stuff. The biggest highlight for me (Giannina) of this part of our trip was seeing my grandma whom I have not seen for over 30 years. She is 94 years old!! She stills cooks, bakes, sews, and  embroiders. She keeps herself active watching the great great grandkids. Seeing and hugging her was a gift from God!

We also had some fun at the beach and at a big water park that has a LOT of fountains. The kids loved it.

We arrived in Arequipa yestesday for Joel's 5-week language training. We are very excited to see and spend time with relatives. How great that God brought us here for Joel's training as this is my hometown.

Our kids are doing well. Gaby and Giannina got sick with the stomach flu but for now they are doing well. Diego & Joey will be home-schooled with a private tutor until they get comfortable with the peruvian system. Gaby might go to school for a few weeks while we are in Arequipa.

Arequipa is the second biggest city in Peru. It is beautiful city with three volcanes and the deepest canyon in the world.

We are very excited to be here and spend time with family. Please pray for us during this transition time. Sometimes it is easy to get frustrated with things, but as we learned in ICC, tolerance and ambiguity are necessary during transition times.

Please sign up to receive our blog! Check out our 3 minute video too. Thank you SO MUCH for your support in prayer and financial. Without you we would not be here!

The Posners

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